Dr. Matt Bridgman

Spreading Awareness, Hope, and Help for
Cancer Ordeal Neuropsychological Symptoms

What We Believe

1. Cognitive problems after cancer are real

Many names are used to refer to these problems, including:

- "chemobrain" 
- Cancer Related Cognitive Impairment (CRCI) 
- Cancer Related Cognitive Decline (CRCD), and others. 

I like the term Cancer Ordeal Neuropsychological Symptoms - I explain this more in a video and info page on my FB page.

Many factors within the entire cancer ordeal are likely responsible for the cognitive problems, not just chemotherapy. 

This is complex. 

It's not simply depression, fatigue, poor sleep, or stress. 

2. Our brain is able to change and grow throughout life

Neuroplasicity is real: your brain is able to change and adapt 

Neurogenesis is real: your brain grows new cells, even during adulthood

Your brain is like a bunch of muscles that perform various cognitive skills (like memory and communication), which can be practiced, exercised, and strengthened. 

3. There is so much more to do than just "be patient, give it time" 

When experiencing cognitive problmes, too many cancer patients are still told to just "be patient, give it more time" or "it should get better soon", or even "it is what it is". 

They're not given any effective plan to deal with it. 

This is terrible, because there is a lot that can be done to harness the power of neuroplasticity and neurogenesis to overcome these problems. 
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